
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that stimulates the innate healing power of the body. Homeopathic medicine treats the individual as a whole person, and on all levels. A successful homeopathic prescription is determined by far more than a person’s diagnosis, taking into account all aspects of a person’s health, history, emotions, and environment.

The medicines used in homeopathy are made from specially prepared dilutions of natural substances, including plants, animals, and minerals. They act by stimulating an individual’s innate healing ability, which is called the vital force, also known as Qi or the healing power of nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae).

There are over 3,500 homeopathic remedies. Homeopaths treat according to the Law of Similars. We view your symptoms as clues that something in your system is out of balance. Your physical, mental and emotional experience of these symptoms creates a larger picture that instructs us toward a single remedy that most closely matches your own symptoms.
If the chosen remedy acts, it will move the individual towards health without suppressing symptoms or causing side effects. There are no drug interactions, so you can use homeopathy alongside any other treatment you are currently using.
Homeopathy is safe for the elderly, children, and even infants. It is also safe and highly effective for treating animals. It is one of the most cost-effective and powerful medicines available today.

The medical science of homeopathy was founded by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, over 250 years ago. Hahnemann’s approach to medicine was developed as an alternative to what he perceived as the toxic, aggressive, and irrational practices of the time. For more information about homeopathy: The National Center of Homeopathy

What can Homeopathy treat?

Homeopathy is very effective for a wide range of conditions, whether they are acute or chronic.

  • Adult health: Anxiety, sleeping disorders, mood swings, fears and phobias, grief, injuries, flu/colds, as well as a variety of physical complaints associated with digestion, respiration, menstruation/menopause, pregnancy, etc.
  • Children’s health: hyperactivity and other behavioral disorders, poor concentration, trauma, slow development, allergies, bedwetting, autism, teething, digestive complaints, respiratory problems, skin symptoms, chronic ailments, flus/colds, and common childhood ailments.
  • Pregnancy and Infants: Homeopathy is free from chemical toxicity, so it is an ideal medicine for any sensitive individual, including pregnant women and infants.  Difficulty in pregnancy, delivery, or post-partum, as well as symptoms in infants, can be dealt with effectively, gently, and without side effects.

Is Homeopathy scientifically proven to work?

Homeopathy is often misunderstood and maligned by the scientific community because of the extreme dilution of the medicines used. Recent research by Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner, has proven that after the homeopathic dilution process electromagnetic signals of the original medicine remain in the water, which have profound biological effects. There are hundreds of science, clinical and pre-clinical studies proving the efficacy of homeopathy.  These studies have been published in respected journals including Lancet, Pediatrics, Annals of Internal Medicine, etc.  Click here for an abridged bibliography of these papers.

Two nobel prize winning scientists have made discoveries that help to prove how homeopathy works, and have both become supporters of this unique medicine.  Click here to read more about their findings.

What to expect…

An initial consultation usually lasts 1 to 2 hours. A successful homeopathic prescription depends on understanding you on multiple levels— all the aspects of your physical, emotional, and mental life that contribute to your experience are considered when choosing your remedy. So, you will find that I ask you a variety of questions, not only about your physical complaints, but about all aspects of your life.

In a follow-up appointment, I will meet with you to discuss the effects of the remedy. Homeopathic remedies often result in immediate beneficial effects, but with chronic complaints it may take longer to restore a deep level of health.


Of all of the people in my life, I feel most seen and supported by Elizabeth. She listens to, intuits, and understands her clients at a very deep spiritual, physical, as well as psychological level.  Elizabeth has supported me in listening to and following my own intuition and inner knowing, and has helped me become more whole, present and well. Her work is powerful, profoundly helpful, and healing. She has had extensive training in many different healing modalities, as well as meditation and spiritual study, and she brings all of this experience to her patients and teachings in very accessible ways.  She is a very grounded, down to earth and relatable human who practices and implements all of the techniques she uses to support her clients in her roles as a powerful healer, spiritual teacher and mother.  Elizabeth has been my primary support for recovering from multiple chronic physical issues, as well as through divorce and family of origin issues, and has helped me learn how to better ground and nourish myself in all my roles at home and at work. She nourishes my psychological and spiritual growth and continues to support my life in many profound and unexpected ways. I consider Elizabeth to be one of my greatest teachers.

— Jaime S.